
Urvashi Rao Venkata authored and Ville Suoranta committed b582d0017e9 Merge
Pull request #591: CAS-13869 : Made the checkPB for nonzero edge pixels happen only for mosaic and awp gridders

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-13869 to master * commit 'd90b3f6673e1c650fe98fa25b2faa4808cea8ed8': CAS-13869 : Made the checkPB for nonzero edge pixels happen only for mosaic and awp gridders


410 410"***Time for making PSF and PB: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean");
411 411 else:
412 412"***Time for making PSF: "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean");
413 413
414 414 imager.makePB()
415 415
416 416 t2=time.time();
417 417 if(specmode=='mfs' and ('stand' in gridder)):
418 418"***Time for making PB: "+"%.2f"%(t2-t1)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean");
419 419
420 - imager.checkPB()
420 + if gridder in ['mosaic','awproject']:
421 + imager.checkPB()
421 422
422 423 if niter >=0 :
423 424
424 425 ## Make dirty image
425 426 if calcres==True:
426 427 t0=time.time();
427 428 imager.runMajorCycle()
428 429 t1=time.time();
429 430"***Time for major cycle (calcres=T): "+"%.2f"%(t1-t0)+" sec", "INFO3", "task_tclean");
430 431

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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