
Jorge Lopez authored cab9ffe7897
CAS-13825: drop unused prints and return plot style decorator
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707 707 def func_old_style(*args, **kwargs):
708 708 with'classic'):
709 709 pb.rc('axes.formatter', useoffset=False)
710 710 pb.rc('axes', grid=True)
711 711 pb.rc('axes.grid', axis='both', which='major')
712 712 return func(*args, **kwargs)
713 713
714 714 return func_old_style
715 715
716 716 DEFAULT_PLATFORMING_THRESHOLD = 10.0 # unused if platformingSigma != 0
717 -# @run_with_old_pyplot_style
717 +@run_with_old_pyplot_style
718 718 def plotbandpass(caltable='', antenna='', field='', spw='', yaxis='amp',
719 719 xaxis='chan', figfile='', plotrange=[0,0,0,0],
720 720 caltable2='', overlay='', showflagged=False, timeranges='',
721 721 buildpdf=False, caltable3='', markersize=3, density=108,
722 722 interactive=True, showpoints='auto', showlines='auto',
723 723 subplot='22', zoom='', poln='', showatm=False, pwv='auto',
724 724 gs='gs', convert='convert', chanrange='',
725 725 solutionTimeThresholdSeconds=30.0, debug=False,
726 726 phase='', vis='',showtsky=False, showfdm=False,showatmfield='',
727 727 lo1='', showimage=False, showatmPoints=False, parentms='',
4053 4053 # We do this last, because by then, the limits will be broad enought and stable.
4054 4054 # draw polarization labels
4055 4055 DrawPolarizationLabelsForOverlayTime(xstartPolLabel,ystartPolLabel,corr_type,polsToPlot,
4056 4056 channeldiff,ystartMadLabel,subplotRows,gamp_mad,mysize,
4057 4057 ampmarkstyle,markersize,ampmarkstyle2, gamp_std)
4058 4058 if (xframe == firstFrame):
4059 4059 # draw title including caltable name
4060 4060 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize,
4061 4061 color='k', transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4062 4062 if (debug): print("drawOverlayTimeLegends loc 2")
4063 - print("Calling drawOverlayTimeLegends")
4064 - print("timerangeListTimes:")
4065 - print(timerangeListTimes)
4066 4063 drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe,firstFrame,xstartTitle,ystartTitle,
4067 4064 caltable,titlesize,fieldIndicesToPlot,
4068 4065 ispwInCalTable,uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
4069 4066 timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
4070 4067 debugSloppyMatch,ystartOverlayLegend,debug,mysize,
4071 4068 fieldsToPlot,myUniqueColor,timeHorizontalSpacing,
4072 4069 fieldIndex,overlayColors, antennaVerticalSpacing,
4073 4070 overlayAntennas, timerangeList, caltableTitle,
4074 4071 mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes)
4075 4072 # mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes) # task version

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