
Kumar Golap authored cc08c30dc5b
some more typo issue


5063 5063 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_cross.pb' ,0.65,[1024,1024,0,0]),
5064 5064 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_cross.pb' ,0.50,[1024,1024,0,1]),
5065 5065 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_cross.pb' ,0.35,[1024,1024,0,2]),
5066 5066 ## Check that PB peak is at the expected location
5067 5067 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_cross.pb' ,1.0,[924,1024,0,0]) ] )
5068 5068 report4 = report4 + "This test checks for cross-baseline PB values that are known to be incorrect. Edit these values/test once the algorithm for cross-baseline PBs is fixed.\n"
5069 5069
5070 5070
5071 5071 ## Antenna/time correction : usepointing=True, pointingoffsetsigdev=[20,2000], timerange='*', antenna='grp1' : PB = Mosaiced PB.
5072 5072
5073 - tclean(vis=msname, imagename=self.img+'_pcorr1_time_1_2', specmode='cube', deconvolver='hogbom',
5073 + tclean(vis=msname, imagename=self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_2', specmode='cube', deconvolver='hogbom',
5074 5074 niter = 0, datacolumn='observed', imsize=2048, cell=5.0, nchan=3, start='1.9GHz',
5075 5075 width='0.4GHz', interpolation='nearest', pblimit=-0.01, gridder='awp2',
5076 - usepointing=True, antenna=f"{baselines['grp1']}&")
5076 + usepointing=True, antenna=f"{self.baselines['grp1']}&")
5077 5077[
5078 5078 ## Check source intensity
5079 5079 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_2.image' ,0.56,[1024,1024,0,0]),
5080 5080 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_2.image' ,0.22,[1024,1024,0,1]),
5081 5081 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_2.image' ,0.07,[1024,1024,0,2]),
5082 5082 ## Check PB at source location
5083 5083 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_2.pb' ,0.51,[1024,1024,0,0]),
5084 5084 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_2.pb' ,0.52,[1024,1024,0,1]),
5085 5085 (self.img+'_pcorr1_time1_2.pb' ,0.34,[1024,1024,0,2]),
5086 5086 ## Check that PB peak is at the expected location

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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