
Akeem Wells authored ecddddbe788 Merge
Merge branch 'CAS-14377' of into CAS-14377


247 247 if '.' in wn:
248 248 # case of float value as string
249 249 raise ValueError(mesg_invalid_wavenumber)
250 250 elif ',' in wn:
251 251 # cases 'a,b,c,...'
252 252 val0 = wn.split(',')
253 253 __check_positive_or_zero(val0)
254 254 val = []
255 255 for v in val0:
256 256 val.append(int(v))
257 - val.sort()
258 257 res = list(set(val)) # uniq
258 + res.sort()
259 259 elif '-' in wn:
260 260 # case 'a-b' : return [a,a+1,...,b-1,b]
261 261 val = wn.split('-')
262 262 __check_positive_or_zero(val)
263 263 val = [int(val[0]), int(val[1])]
264 264 val.sort()
265 265 res = [i for i in range(val[0], val[1] + 1)]
266 266 elif '~' in wn:
267 267 # case 'a~b' : return [a,a+1,...,b-1,b]
268 268 val = wn.split('~')

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