
Ville Suoranta authored facfcc4eb9f Merge
Pull request #917: Make pyversion work with double digit Python versions

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-14373 to master * commit '50d2da81e77a2fc1af4927b530ebed9363217ffd': Make pyversion work with double digit Python versions


91 91
92 92 parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()
93 93 parser.add_argument('--version', help='version')
94 94 parser.add_argument('bdist_wheel', help='bdist_wheel')
95 95 args=parser.parse_args()
96 96
97 97 print (args.version)
98 98
99 99 module_name = 'casatasks'
100 100
101 -pyversion = float(sys.version_info[0]) + float(sys.version_info[1]) / 10.0
102 -
103 -if pyversion < 3:
104 - str_encode = str
105 - str_decode = str
106 - def pipe_decode(output):
107 - return output
108 -else:
109 - def str_encode(s):
110 - return bytes(s,sys.getdefaultencoding())
111 - def str_decode(bs):
112 - return bs.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(),"strict")
113 - def pipe_decode(output):
114 - if isinstance(output,bytes) or isinstance(output,bytearray):
115 - return str_decode(output)
116 - elif isinstance(output,tuple):
117 - return (str_decode(output[0]),str_decode(output[1]))
118 - else:
119 - return ("","")
101 +pyversion = ".".join(tuple(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[0:2]))
102 +
103 +def str_encode(s):
104 + return bytes(s,sys.getdefaultencoding())
105 +def str_decode(bs):
106 + return bs.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(),"strict")
107 +def pipe_decode(output):
108 + if isinstance(output,bytes) or isinstance(output,bytearray):
109 + return str_decode(output)
110 + elif isinstance(output,tuple):
111 + return (str_decode(output[0]),str_decode(output[1]))
112 + else:
113 + return ("","")
120 114
121 115 def compute_version( ):
122 116 if (args.version != None ):
123 117 print (args.version.split("."))
124 118 (major, minor, patch, feature) = args.version.split(".")
125 119 return(int(major), int(minor), int(patch), int(feature),"","","")
126 120 else:
127 121 proc = Popen( [ "./version" ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE )
128 122 out,err = pipe_decode(proc.communicate( ))
129 123 print(out)
276 270 'xml/fringefit.xml',
277 271 'xml/plotbandpass.xml',
278 272 'xml/sdintimaging.xml',
279 273 'xml/sdpolaverage.xml',
280 274 'xml/sdsidebandsplit.xml',
281 275 'xml/plotprofilemap.xml',
282 276 'xml/imbaseline.xml',
283 277 'xml/wvrgcal.xml',
284 278 ]
285 279
286 -if pyversion < 3:
287 - str_encode = str
288 - str_decode = str
289 - def pipe_decode(output):
290 - return output
291 -else:
292 - def str_encode(s):
293 - return bytes(s,sys.getdefaultencoding())
294 - def str_decode(bs):
295 - return bs.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(),"strict")
296 - def pipe_decode(output):
297 - if isinstance(output,bytes) or isinstance(output,bytearray):
298 - return str_decode(output)
299 - elif isinstance(output,tuple):
300 - return ( None if output[0] is None else str_decode(output[0]), None if output[1] is None else str_decode(output[1]) )
301 - else:
302 - return ("","")
280 +def str_encode(s):
281 + return bytes(s,sys.getdefaultencoding())
282 +def str_decode(bs):
283 + return bs.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(),"strict")
284 +def pipe_decode(output):
285 + if isinstance(output,bytes) or isinstance(output,bytearray):
286 + return str_decode(output)
287 + elif isinstance(output,tuple):
288 + return ( None if output[0] is None else str_decode(output[0]), None if output[1] is None else str_decode(output[1]) )
289 + else:
290 + return ("","")
303 291
304 292 if sys.platform == 'darwin':
305 293 def islib(l):
306 294 return l.endswith('.dylib')
307 295 elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux':
308 296 def islib(l):
309 297 # '
310 298 return l.find('.so') > 3
311 299 else:
312 300 sys.exit("oops, had not planned on building on %s" % sys.platform)

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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