SourceDescriptionSizeLast Modified
adjustmentBottom.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)1.92 KB
checkButtonItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)2.09 KB
comboItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)2.34 KB
lineEditorItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)2.28 KB
minMaxEditorItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)2.57 KB
pairItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)1.92 KB
pushButtonItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)2.50 KB
QtAutoGui.ccChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu21.88 KB
QtAutoGui.qo.hChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu6.36 KB
QtAutoGui.qrcpull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)206 B
QtGuiEntry.ccChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu35.01 KB
QtGuiEntry.qo.hChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu16.48 KB
QtLayout.ccChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu7.59 KB
QtLayout.hChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu3.02 KB
QtXmlRecord.ccChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu15.60 KB
QtXmlRecord.hChange to casa-feedback@nrao.edu2.54 KB
sliderEditorItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)3.15 KB
sliderLabelItem.uipull display code that is not part of casatools up into casaviewer repo (CAS-13461)3.75 KB

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