# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0
maintainers {ciserlohn @ci42}
description Open-source interactive Cocoa scripting environment
long_description F-Script is an open-source interactive and scripting \
environment for Cocoa. Based on Smalltalk, F-Script \
provides a pure object-oriented environment that \
leverages Mac OS X technologies and frameworks. It \
aims to be a useful and fun tool for both beginners \
and experts, allowing interactively exploring, testing \
and using Cocoa-based objects and frameworks.
homepage http://www.fscript.org/
master_sites https://github.com/pmougin/F-Script/zipball/v${version}:fscript
distfiles pmougin-F-Script-v2.1-0-g25c850c.zip:fscript
checksums pmougin-F-Script-v2.1-0-g25c850c.zip \
sha1 5f1afa244f41ab372953a616d27a72a1573f4a15 \
rmd160 aa38b5e587bd3c0a8aeb1a8df8a38445d0036952
file rename [glob ${workpath}/pmougin-F-Script-*] ${worksrcpath}
patchfiles patch-FScript.xcodeproj-project.pbxproj.diff
xcode.target FScriptFramework F-Script
xcode.destroot.settings SKIP_INSTALL=NO
set is_xcode_4_x [expr [vercmp $xcodeversion 4] >= 0]
default_variants +ib_plugin
# It is wrong that MacPorts chooses an SDK based on deployment target.
macosx_deployment_target 10.6
compiler.blacklist {clang < 300}
if {! [file exists ${configure.sdkroot}]} {
ui_error "$name requires the 10.6 SDK to install on Lion."
error "unsupported platform"