
Ryan Schmidt authored and ci42 committed 5dd90f4bbfa
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3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup xcode 1.0
5 5 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0
6 6
7 7 name FScript
8 8 version 2.1
9 9 revision 1
10 10 categories aqua lang
11 11 platforms darwin
12 12 license BSD
13 -maintainers ciserlohn
13 +maintainers {ciserlohn @ci42}
14 14
15 15 description Open-source interactive Cocoa scripting environment
16 16 long_description F-Script is an open-source interactive and scripting \
17 17 environment for Cocoa. Based on Smalltalk, F-Script \
18 18 provides a pure object-oriented environment that \
19 19 leverages Mac OS X technologies and frameworks. It \
20 20 aims to be a useful and fun tool for both beginners \
21 21 and experts, allowing interactively exploring, testing \
22 22 and using Cocoa-based objects and frameworks.
23 23

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