PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup ruby 1.0
ruby.setup hpricot 0.8.6 gem {} rubygems ruby19
description a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
long_description \
Hpricot is a fast, flexible HTML parser written in C. It's designed to be \
very accommodating (like Tanaka Akira's HTree) and to have a very helpful \
library (like some JavaScript libs -- JQuery, Prototype -- give you.) \
The XPath and CSS parser, in fact, is based on John Resig's JQuery. \
Also, Hpricot can be handy for reading broken XML files, since many of \
the same techniques can be used. If a quote is missing, Hpricot tries to \
figure it out. If tags overlap, Hpricot works on sorting them out. \
You know, that sort of thing.
license MIT
maintainers nomaintainer
homepage https://github.com/hpricot/hpricot
platforms darwin
checksums rmd160 782464d9532ca5008f2e9a1732d9812230069330 \
sha256 dfe8f4b3414ba8377d7626030f3aa605caadee9de87cffbeadf8a50359eac8ca