# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
go.setup github.com/svent/sift 0.9.0 v
maintainers {gmail.com:esafak @esafak} openmaintainer
description A fast and powerful open source alternative to grep
long_description sift is an alternative that aims for both speed and flexibility, \
adding features while trying to reach (or even surpass) the performance \
of the original grep. The additional features include gitignore support, \
conditions (e.g., match A only when preceded by B within X lines), \
full multi-core support and multiline matching.
homepage https://sift-tool.org
checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
rmd160 8980a7ca2580914ff03e4d5da15003923f4b9c61 \
sha256 5039ac9fddf717a366f0e6d56a69ee54b4bcf460381f06f71b69774514d7ffb2 \
go.vendors github.com/jessevdk/go-flags \
lock 96dc06278ce32a0e9d957d590bb987c81ee66407 \
rmd160 c5f8e8883c50d74d974f473287f8e89c3f76f80a \
sha256 1981b872319a9496bb00d97b8cd10bed42518ee831a46538772dcfa999c701c6 \
github.com/svent/go-nbreader \
lock 7cef48da76dca6a496faa7fe63e39ed665cbd219 \
rmd160 6fd0bad37adcf601cf22634cd58a66352651da03 \
sha256 09ec2d65c7d95e9ecde248ff8edfaf52acaf375cb57c281c2fabb5efa682d4d3 \
lock 2faea1465de239e4babd8f5905cc25b781712442 \
rmd160 45f15e1dad9af8b4b544c283fe7ed88a4001ff6a \
sha256 af09f8a8b573cb6c18e026377b3359d7550edb3817863d46b3e50004fc77ef80 \
# sift expects go-flags to be namespaced under svent for some reason.
move ${gopath}/src/github.com/jessevdk/go-flags ${gopath}/src/github.com/svent/go-flags
xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/