
Aaron Madlon-Kay authored and GitHub committed 4b45df3c00d
sift: use golang-1.0 portgroup, add openmaintainer
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 +PortGroup golang 1.0
5 +go.setup 0.9.0 v
4 6
5 -# this doesn't work directly because files need to be fetched from multiple repositories
6 -#
7 -# PortGroup github 1.0
8 -# github.setup svent sift 0.9.0 v
9 -
10 -name sift
11 -version 0.9.0
12 -platforms darwin
13 7 categories sysutils
14 8 license GPL-3+
15 9 installs_libs no
16 -maintainers { @esafak}
10 +maintainers { @esafak} openmaintainer
17 11 description A fast and powerful open source alternative to grep
18 12 long_description sift is an alternative that aims for both speed and flexibility, \
19 13 adding features while trying to reach (or even surpass) the performance \
20 14 of the original grep. The additional features include gitignore support, \
21 15 conditions (e.g., match A only when preceded by B within X lines), \
22 16 full multi-core support and multiline matching.
23 17 homepage
24 -platforms darwin
25 -use_zip yes
26 -
27 -set crypto_hash 2faea14
28 -set nbreader_hash 7cef48da76dca6a496faa7fe63e39ed665cbd219
29 -set flags_version 1.3.0
30 -
31 -master_sites \
32 - \
33 - \
34 -${crypto_hash}/ssh/terminal:crypto
35 -
36 -distfiles v${version}.zip:sift \
37 - v${flags_version}.zip:flags \
38 - ${nbreader_hash}.zip:nbreader \
39 - terminal.go:crypto \
40 - util_bsd.go:crypto \
41 - util.go:crypto
42 -
43 -extract.only v${version}.zip \
44 - v${flags_version}.zip \
45 - ${nbreader_hash}.zip
46 18
47 -checksums v${version}.zip \
48 - rmd160 e1b1eae2e314510b852ee86f0152fa541b5b4af9 \
49 - sha256 00f4a57cd4140999443833b6bbf446a21ec5660613af5ce101d651a265152051 \
50 - v${flags_version}.zip \
51 - rmd160 0797467ba23c4c28ff8b13aa40b52bc8bad852a0 \
52 - sha256 be1356988abd183851b754a66a4171e370b952bee2dd3de5fc33f0370e534703 \
53 - ${nbreader_hash}.zip \
54 - rmd160 6bd004bdca7944c9ff523e479bd7814bc87aff34 \
55 - sha256 2f9c0c3b45bf04cb5ebc92b146d022b6a6e437258fc4d9936dfcd1a115af3578 \
56 - terminal.go \
57 - rmd160 ad3f5da181a2fa618e104b1deb79a869a9164cb2 \
58 - sha256 b35ec763e014dcc944989ff5ddea401c754bcc27c011f71012a2454eaca1b11a \
59 - util_bsd.go \
60 - rmd160 9a75a1dc87ad32232627302e266215cba35766a4 \
61 - sha256 fc3b7bafbded5b824b3b9c5d4c4d6730958cbeb9ae9cd2dde2132d670d2cc3f4 \
62 - util.go \
63 - rmd160 6f17dbf32422a7e43d9182137c0ebc2bc9704ef5 \
64 - sha256 c0506e16f0f7ec105437f35f2a7fb6c3b71a28f95102f3b5dec0d22f040cb727
65 -
66 -depends_build port:go
67 -use_configure no
68 -
69 -build.cmd ${prefix}/bin/go
70 build
71 -build.env GOPATH=${worksrcpath}
19 +checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
20 + rmd160 8980a7ca2580914ff03e4d5da15003923f4b9c61 \
21 + sha256 5039ac9fddf717a366f0e6d56a69ee54b4bcf460381f06f71b69774514d7ffb2 \
22 + size 37464
23 +
24 +go.vendors \
25 + lock 96dc06278ce32a0e9d957d590bb987c81ee66407 \
26 + rmd160 c5f8e8883c50d74d974f473287f8e89c3f76f80a \
27 + sha256 1981b872319a9496bb00d97b8cd10bed42518ee831a46538772dcfa999c701c6 \
28 + size 55455 \
29 + \
30 + lock 7cef48da76dca6a496faa7fe63e39ed665cbd219 \
31 + rmd160 6fd0bad37adcf601cf22634cd58a66352651da03 \
32 + sha256 09ec2d65c7d95e9ecde248ff8edfaf52acaf375cb57c281c2fabb5efa682d4d3 \
33 + size 2782 \
34 + \
35 + lock 2faea1465de239e4babd8f5905cc25b781712442 \
36 + rmd160 45f15e1dad9af8b4b544c283fe7ed88a4001ff6a \
37 + sha256 af09f8a8b573cb6c18e026377b3359d7550edb3817863d46b3e50004fc77ef80 \
38 + size 1429256
72 39
73 40 post-extract {
74 - file mkdir ${worksrcpath}/src/
75 - file mkdir ${worksrcpath}/src/
76 -
77 - move ${worksrcpath}/gitignore ${worksrcpath}/src/
78 - move ${workpath}/go-nbreader-${nbreader_hash} ${worksrcpath}/src/
79 - move ${workpath}/go-flags-${flags_version} ${worksrcpath}/src/
80 -
81 - ln -sf ${distpath}/terminal.go ${worksrcpath}/src/
82 - ln -sf ${distpath}/util_bsd.go ${worksrcpath}/src/
83 - ln -sf ${distpath}/util.go ${worksrcpath}/src/
41 + # sift expects go-flags to be namespaced under svent for some reason.
42 + move ${gopath}/src/ ${gopath}/src/
84 43 }
85 44
86 45 destroot {
87 - xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/${name}-${version} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${name}
46 + xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/
88 47 }
89 -
90 -livecheck.url${name}/tags
91 -livecheck.regex archive/v(\[^"\]+)${extract.suffix}

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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