
Christopher Chavez authored and Chris Jones committed 00603d9524e
tkdnd: update to 2.9

Releases have moved to GitHub
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup cmake 1.1
5 5 PortGroup active_variants 1.1
6 +PortGroup github 1.0
6 7
7 -name tkdnd
8 -version 2.8
8 +github.setup petasis tkdnd tkdnd-release-test-v2.9.1
9 +version 2.9
9 10 platforms darwin
10 11 categories x11
11 12 license BSD
12 13 maintainers {mcalhoun @MarcusCalhoun-Lopez} openmaintainer
13 14 description an extension that adds native drag & drop capabilities to the tk toolkit
14 15 long_description Tk Drag & Drop: tkdnd is an extension that adds native drag & drop capabilities to the tk toolkit.
15 16 homepage
16 -master_sites sourceforge
17 17
18 -checksums rmd160 34b98d9f4f6df891af3e767e41515b5a8bed171c \
19 - sha256 5e76266adaf381f0c6797b2a15a77c162c2fe718f887d973d61316ded802ca78 \
20 - size 185025
21 -
22 -distname ${name}${version}-src
23 -worksrcdir ${name}${version}
18 +checksums rmd160 264942ed1772ee64d0a41515e65ef911a2c35bba \
19 + sha256 9faafb0110bf5f7b966462ea22c36e13cb6ac35816cde72a0785007f60d7fcde \
20 + size 568910
24 21
25 22 cmake.install_prefix ${prefix}/lib
26 23
27 24 # do not:
28 25 # find macOS Tcl/Tk,
29 26 # build universal, or
30 27 # use garbage collection
31 28 patchfiles-append patch-CMakeLists.txt.diff
32 29
33 30 configure.args-append \
65 62 if {![variant_isset quartz]} {
66 63 default_variants +x11
67 64 }
68 65
69 66 pre-configure {
70 67 if {![variant_isset quartz] && ![variant_isset x11]} {
71 68 error "Either +x11 or +quartz is required"
72 69 }
73 70 }
74 71
75 -livecheck.regex "/tkdnd(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)-src${extract.suffix}"
72 +livecheck.version ${version}
73 +livecheck.url
74 +livecheck.regex {tkdnd-(\d+\.\d+)}

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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