
Jeremy Lavergne authored 00d21478d0e
dot2tex: update to 2.11.3
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup github 1.0
5 5
6 -github.setup kjellmf dot2tex 2.11.2
6 +github.setup kjellmf dot2tex 2.11.3
7 7 categories graphics print python
8 8 platforms darwin
9 9 license MIT
10 10 maintainers {snc @nerdling} openmaintainer
11 11 description Convert graphs generated by Graphviz to LaTeX friendly formats
12 12 long_description \
13 13 The purpose of dot2tex is to give graphs generated by Graphviz a more \
14 14 LaTeX friendly look and feel. This is accomplished by converting xdot \
15 15 output from Graphviz to a series of PSTricks or PGF/TikZ commands.
16 16
17 -checksums rmd160 a1165ffdeaad3614e435de4e9f58a294cddb8dac \
18 - sha256 42cfb9834e159946852dae1362259299df98eaa4e48110ed965c3f3a3b8346bc \
19 - size 664171
17 +checksums rmd160 b1c77c4b3036197222af0541e0d7086e8b5b6169 \
18 + sha256 e1b6282b29ee5b87600dcb926e3faca6dec49eed7d230bf726285d7e07e38215 \
19 + size 664785
20 20
21 21 depends_run bin:dot:graphviz bin:latex:texlive bin:pdflatex:texlive
22 22
23 23 PortGroup python 1.0
24 24
25 25 python.default_version 37
26 26 depends_lib-append port:py${python.version}-parsing port:py${python.version}-setuptools
27 27
28 28 post-extract {
29 29 fs-traverse dir ${workpath} {

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