
David B. Evans authored 03cbbb3abd8
dependents of boehmgc: use port: depspec for boehmgc

boehmgc-devel has been removed.
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53 53 port:ghostscript \
54 54 port:texinfo \
55 55 port:texlive-latex-recommended \
56 56 port:texlive-fonts-recommended
57 57
58 58 depends_lib port:readline \
59 59 port:fftw-3 \
60 60 port:gsl \
61 61 port:libsigsegv \
62 62 port:ncurses \
63 - path:lib/libgc.dylib:boehmgc
63 + port:boehmgc
64 64
65 65 # Runtime dependencies really depend on user preferences.
66 66 # Asy can draw graphics without any TeX or without LaTeX,
67 67 # so one might just as well remove all deps (or add more)
68 68 #
69 69 # The hierarchy of dependencies goes as:
70 70 # - texlive-latex-recommended [common, bin, basic, latex]
71 71 # - texlive-latex [common, bin, basic]
72 72 # - texlive-basic [common, bin]
73 73 #

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