
David B. Evans authored 0717673d148
psh: update to version 1.9_01 git master as of 20121218

* contains runtime fixes for perl5.22+ and other bugs * rather than hardwire perl version, add perl variants, default +perl5_28 * disable livecheck, further releases unlikely
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup perl5 1.0
5 5
6 +perl5.require_variant yes
7 +perl5.conflict_variants yes
8 +perl5.branches 5.26 5.28
9 +perl5.create_variants ${perl5.branches}
10 +
6 11 name psh
7 -perl5.branches 5.26
8 -perl5.setup psh 1.8.1
9 -revision 3
12 +perl5.setup psh 1.9_01
13 +
14 +# fetch most recent git master (20121218)
15 +# contains runtime fixes for perl5.22+ and other bugs
16 +set git_commit 9e22f850d0f7107bef9a4e3c3da3a5a0459d3b8a
17 +set git_date 20121218
18 +version 1.9_01-${git_date}
10 19 perl5.link_binaries_suffix
11 20 categories shells perl
12 21 license {Artistic-1 GPL}
13 22 maintainers nomaintainer
14 23 description The Perl Shell
15 24 long_description The Perl Shell (psh) combines aspects of bash and other shells with \
16 25 the power of Perl scripting.
17 26
18 27 platforms darwin
19 28 supported_archs noarch
20 29
21 30 homepage
22 31 master_sites
23 32
24 -checksums rmd160 3fa91de47e19bb395b7e3e4a90bd245e7d3f7384 \
25 - sha256 c8414c4381a6a715800a7b59c39276d1f19087bf2e0b6a9b950af4feaf7701a8
33 +distname ${git_commit}
26 34
27 -worksrcdir psh-psh-${version}
35 +checksums rmd160 d4b765e261b42f44a8b20b9f495239e6df2db107 \
36 + sha256 94e783f54184b18625b0ffa6f7130d24b05bb91b8b1647ff1eaf7e98594c27bd \
37 + size 119347
38 +
39 +worksrcdir ${name}-${git_commit}
28 40
29 41 depends_lib-append port:p${perl5.major}-term-readline-gnu \
30 42 port:p${perl5.major}-bsd-resource
43 +
44 +# no further commits since 20121218, further releases unlikely
45 +livecheck.type none

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