
Leonardo Brondani Schenkel authored 091e8aa10c4
mercurial: update to 5.0.2
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup python 1.0
5 5 PortGroup bitbucket 1.0
6 6
7 7 name mercurial
8 8 # don't forget to update dependents for mercurial:
9 9 # port echo rdepends:mercurial and \( name:hg or name:mercurial \) | grep -v 'py[[:digit:]]'
10 -version 4.9.1
10 +version 5.0.2
11 11 categories devel python
12 12 license GPL-2+
13 13 maintainers nomaintainer
14 14 description A fast, lightweight, distributed SCM system written in \
15 15 Python.
16 16 long_description Mercurial is a fast, lightweight Source Control Management \
17 17 system designed for efficient handling of very large \
18 18 distributed projects. A distributed SCM tool is designed \
19 19 to support a model in which each Repository is loosely \
20 20 coupled to many others. Each Repository contains a \
21 21 complete set of metadata describing one or more projects. \
22 22 These repositories may be located almost anywhere. \
23 23 Individual developers only need access to their own \
24 24 repositories, not to a central one, in order to commit \
25 25 changes. Changes can be share via the builtin webserver, \
26 26 CGI, SSH or a stream of patch emails. Mercurial supports \
27 27 Apples' FileMerge for merges.
28 28
29 29 homepage
30 30 platforms darwin
31 31 master_sites
32 -checksums rmd160 4be4ff74ee183936b52774dfeeb9ab02df70e25b \
33 - sha256 1bdd21bb87d1e05fb5cd395d488d0e0cc2f2f90ce0fd248e31a03595da5ccb47 \
34 - size 7076867
32 +checksums rmd160 4c1c54e846d6cfcbe9ef0330be5f33eaee007c5f \
33 + sha256 29b850792f1f054cece5b8de8e815dbbe266e1d11814c3755290c0879883c0f8 \
34 + size 7202797
35 35
36 36 depends_build port:py27-docutils
37 37
38 38 depends_run path:share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt:curl-ca-bundle
39 39
40 40 patchfiles
41 41
42 42 python.default_version 27
43 43
44 44 build.cmd make

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