
Mark Moll authored 1356a882f88
gdal, libpcl, saga, ipe, palapeli, octave, py-matplotlib, FreeSOLID, plplot, plplot510, solid: revbump ports that depend on qhull, since qhull got updated recently.

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3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup github 1.0
5 5 PortGroup cxx11 1.1
6 6 PortGroup muniversal 1.0
7 7 PortGroup mpi 1.0
8 8 PortGroup active_variants 1.1
9 9 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0
10 10 mpi.setup
11 11
12 12 github.setup OSGeo gdal 2.3.2 v
13 -revision 5
13 +revision 6
14 14 categories gis
15 15 license MIT BSD
16 16 platforms darwin
17 17
18 18 maintainers {vince @Veence} openmaintainer
19 19
20 20 description GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
21 21
22 22 long_description GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial \
23 23 data formats that is released under an X/MIT style \
174 174 configure.args-append --with-libkml=${prefix}
175 175 configure.args-append --with-libkml-inc=${prefix}/include
176 176 configure.args-append --with-libkml-lib=${prefix}/lib
177 177 }
178 178
179 179 variant grass description {Enable GRASS 7 GIS I/O} {
180 180 if {[catch {lindex [registry_active grass7] 0}]} {
181 181 ui_error "The grass variant requires grass 7 to be installed."
182 182 ui_error "Since grass7 depends on gdal, please first install gdal WITHOUT the grass variant."
183 183 ui_error "Then install grass7, then reinstall gdal with the grass variant."
184 - #return -code error "Missing GRASS 7."
185 - }
184 + #return -code error "Missing GRASS 7."
185 + }
186 186
187 187 configure.args-delete --without-grass
188 188 configure.args-append --with-grass=${prefix}/share/grass76
189 189 }
190 190
191 191 variant mrsid description {Enable MrSID file format} {
192 192 depends_lib-append port:geoexpress-sdk
193 193 configure.args-delete --without-mrsid
194 194 configure.args-delete --without-jp2mrsid
195 195 configure.args-append --with-mrsid=${prefix}/share/Geo_DSDK/Raster_DSDK
275 275 if {![catch {set result [active_variants hdf5 mpich-devel]}]} {
276 276 if {$result} {
277 277 if {![variant_isset mpich-devel]} {
278 278 return -code error "HDF5 has mpich-devel enabled, please use the same variant."
279 279 }
280 280 }
281 281 }
282 282
283 283 if {[variant_isset mpich] || [variant_isset mpich-devel] || \
284 284 [variant_isset openmpi] || [variant_isset openmpi_devel]} {
285 -
285 +
286 286 mpi.enforce_variant hdf5
287 - }
287 + }
288 288
289 289 depends_lib-append port:hdf5
290 290 configure.args-delete --without-hdf5
291 291 configure.args-append --with-hdf5=${prefix}
292 292 }
293 293
294 294 variant netcdf description {Enable NetCDF file format} {
295 295 if {[variant_isset mpich] || [variant_isset mpich-devel] || \
296 296 [variant_isset openmpi] || [variant_isset openmpi_devel]} {
297 -
297 +
298 298 mpi.enforce_variant netcdf
299 299 }
300 300
301 301 depends_lib-append port:netcdf
302 302 configure.args-delete --without-netcdf
303 303 configure.args-append --with-netcdf=${prefix}
304 304 }
305 305
306 306 variant grib description {Enable GRIB (weather) file format} {
307 307 configure.args-delete --without-grib

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