
Blair Zajac authored 23bc6cb900c
Add a port for the APRutil 0.9.x line.  This was based off of the apr-util port.

git-svn-id: d073be05-634f-4543-b044-5fe20cf6d1d6
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1 +# $Id$
2 +
3 +PortSystem 1.0
4 +name apr-util0
5 +version 0.9.13
6 +categories devel
7 +maintainers
8 +description utilities built with the apache group's portability library
9 +
10 +long_description apr-util is a library of useful utilities built with \
11 + and intended to be used with the Apache Portable \
12 + Runtime version 0.9.x. This is an old version of \
13 + the APRutil library, the latest version is in the \
14 + apr-util port.
15 +
16 +homepage
17 +master_sites apache:apr
18 +
19 +distname apr-util-${version}
20 +use_bzip2 yes
21 +checksums md5 67f0794e159fe6ed127ceadd05e33881
22 +
23 +depends_lib port:apr0 port:expat port:libiconv port:db44
24 +
25 +configure.env CPPFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib
26 +configure.args --with-apr=${prefix}/bin/apr-config --with-expat=${prefix} \
27 + --with-iconv=${prefix} \
28 + --with-berkeley-db=${prefix}/include:${prefix}/lib/db44 \
29 + --without-mysql --without-pgsql
30 +
31 yes
32 check
33 +test.env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${worksrcpath}/.libs
34 +
35 +post-destroot {
36 + delete ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/aprutil.exp
37 +}
38 +
39 +variant no_bdb {
40 + depends_lib-delete port:db44
41 + configure.args-delete --with-berkeley-db=${prefix}/include:${prefix}/lib/db44
42 + configure.args-append --without-berkeley-db
43 + }
44 +
45 +variant openldap {
46 + depends_lib-append port:openldap
47 + configure.args-append --with-ldap \
48 + --with-ldap-include=${prefix}/include \
49 + --with-ldap-lib=${prefix}/lib
50 + }
51 +
52 +#pre-configure {
53 +# reinplace "s|^Libs: |Libs: -L${prefix}/lib/db44 |" $worksrcpath/
54 +# }

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