
David B. Evans authored 240c628e5be
gnome-maps: update to version 3.28.2

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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup gobject_introspection 1.0
5 5
6 6 name gnome-maps
7 -version 3.27.92
7 +version 3.28.2
8 8 license GPL-2
9 9 set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
10 10 description Map application for GNOME 3.
11 11 long_description Maps is a map application for GNOME that allows you to view maps in \
12 12 different zoom levels, search for places, etc.
13 13
14 14 maintainers {devans @dbevans} openmaintainer
15 15 categories gnome
16 16 platforms darwin
17 17 homepage
18 18 master_sites gnome:sources/${name}/${branch}/
19 19
20 20 use_xz yes
21 21
22 -checksums rmd160 92e3344dd0a7ead7deb2791514b5b2cc9310daea \
23 - sha256 e629c51ea15ff07739910780adfebfef7f879c9fbf81a439b24bcd42c8271067 \
24 - size 1191516
22 +checksums rmd160 ead613ad5df157ef73b192965dfd1cfb2866b875 \
23 + sha256 e787d92bb151314e5234156c2819f6f0c18ee9c7e00baa1fbdd284911402f1fb \
24 + size 1195508
25 25
26 26 depends_build port:pkgconfig \
27 27 port:intltool \
28 28 port:gnome-common \
29 29 port:autoconf \
30 30 port:automake \
31 31 port:libtool
32 32
33 33 depends_lib port:desktop-file-utils \
34 34 port:gsettings-desktop-schemas \

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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