
Marius Schamschula authored 2568dd07916
di: update to 4.47.2
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4
5 5 name di
6 -version 4.47.1
6 +version 4.47.2
7 7 revision 0
8 8 categories sysutils
9 9 platforms darwin
10 10 maintainers {mps @Schamschula} openmaintainer
11 11 license zlib
12 12 description disk information utility
13 13 long_description di is a disk information utility, displaying everything \
14 14 (and more) than the classic df command does.
15 15
16 16 homepage
17 17 master_sites sourceforge:project/diskinfo-di
18 18
19 -checksums rmd160 05021a965bd5c4202741038eb7f20d32158fac48 \
20 - sha256 eea8ad94197d9f11790afea0924d8bf29ec001c32eb6209e81c4e13766a2abad \
21 - size 221051
19 +checksums rmd160 af220420c96f2b841573c4f01de63d37f6579331 \
20 + sha256 2205b86f68e054dbe61806f288d94207eddadef7f71a0a27c553db0fc5bd27bd \
21 + size 221092
22 22
23 23 depends_lib port:gettext
24 24
25 25 use_configure no
26 26
27 27
28 28 build.args prefix=${prefix} CC="${}" CFLAGS="${configure.cflags}"
29 29
30 30 destroot.args prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
31 31

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