
David B. Evans authored 2706962099a
gramps: update to version 5.0.2

Set variant +python37 as default.
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup github 1.0
5 5
6 -github.setup gramps-project gramps 5.0.1 v
7 -revision 1
6 +github.setup gramps-project gramps 5.0.2 v
8 7
9 8 PortGroup python 1.0
10 9
11 10 license GPL-2
12 11 categories genealogy python
13 12 platforms darwin
14 13 supported_archs noarch
15 14 maintainers {devans @dbevans} openmaintainer
16 15
17 16 description Gramps is a genealogy program
18 17
19 18 long_description Gramps is a genealogy program to store, edit, \
20 19 and research genealogical data. It provides \
21 20 advanced capabilities for research, analysis, and \
22 21 correlation to potentially fill relationship gaps.
23 22
24 23 homepage
25 24
26 -checksums rmd160 17440bcaafaf34f573777b65cb388ddc2fc07391 \
27 - sha256 c4ff143dc3132b0227328edb94458b1b70b87d7a7fb1452bafefbe174d220328 \
28 - size 16718002
25 +checksums rmd160 e1ad5955a7e1e98cf94de5d31a5a4cfebdd23880 \
26 + sha256 76c821b262c2f947a7c3796f744cf23b36c98233fe9e1c001128d8db0741aaf5 \
27 + size 16707934
29 28
30 29 depends_build-append port:intltool
31 30
32 31 depends_lib-append path:bin/dot:graphviz \
33 32 port:desktop-file-utils \
34 33 port:gexiv2 \
35 34 port:ghostscript \
36 35 port:goocanvas2 \
37 36 port:gtk3 \
38 37 port:gtkspell3 \
63 62 }
64 63
65 64 variant python37 conflicts python35 python36 description {Use Python 3.7} {
66 65 python.default_version 37
67 66 depends_lib-append port:py37-bsddb3 \
68 67 port:py37-gobject3 \
69 68 port:py37-Pillow \
70 69 port:py37-pyicu
71 70 }
72 71
73 -if {![variant_isset python35] && ![variant_isset python37]} {
74 - default_variants +python36
72 +if {![variant_isset python35] && ![variant_isset python36]} {
73 + default_variants +python37
75 74 }
76 75
77 76 post-destroot {
78 77 reinplace "s|${destroot}${python.prefix}|${prefix}|" ${destroot}${python.pkgd}/gramps/gen/utils/resource-path
79 78 delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share
80 79 move ${destroot}${python.prefix}/share ${destroot}${prefix}
81 80 }
82 81
83 82 post-activate {
84 83 system "${prefix}/bin/update-desktop-database ${prefix}/share/applications"

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