
Joshua Root authored 3c84f5995dc
libxml2-bootstrap: symlink to correct icu headers

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33 33 checksums rmd160 a7d5f9ca4a24db329108f4bfb6bd4eed0f61ab21 \
34 34 sha256 94fb70890143e3c6549f265cee93ec064c80a84c42ad0f23e85ee1fd6540a871 \
35 35 size 5476717
36 36
37 37 set my_prefix ${prefix}
38 38 set icu_prefix ${prefix}
39 39 set iconv_prefix ${prefix}
40 40
41 41 # This port is used by clang-3.4 to bootstrap libcxx
42 42 subport ${name}-bootstrap {
43 - revision 5
43 + revision 6
44 44 configure.cxx_stdlib
45 45 set my_prefix ${prefix}/libexec/libcxx-bootstrap
46 46 configure.pre_args --prefix=${my_prefix}
47 47 if {${os.major} <= 10} {
48 48 set icu_prefix ${my_prefix}
49 49 set iconv_prefix ${my_prefix}
50 50 configure.cppflags-prepend -I${my_prefix}/include
51 51 configure.ldflags-prepend -L${my_prefix}/lib
52 52 configure.env-append PATH=${my_prefix}/bin:$::env(PATH)
53 53 depends_build-replace port:pkgconfig port:pkgconfig-bootstrap
87 87 }
88 88
89 89 configure.args --disable-silent-rules \
90 90 --enable-static \
91 91 --with-icu \
92 92 --without-python
93 93
94 94 destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${my_prefix}/etc/xml
95 95 post-destroot {
96 96 xinstall -m 0755 -d ${destroot}${my_prefix}/etc/xml
97 - ln -s ${my_prefix}/include/unicode ${destroot}${my_prefix}/include/libxml2/unicode
97 + ln -s ${icu_prefix}/include/unicode ${destroot}${my_prefix}/include/libxml2/unicode
98 98 }
99 99
100 100 yes
101 101 check
102 102
103 103 variant debug description {Enable debug build} {
104 104 configure.optflags -O0 -g -Wno-uninitialized
105 105 configure.args-append --with-run-debug
106 106 }
107 107

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