
Nicolas Pavillon authored 40a02d586bf
kdevplatform: ensure using c++11 also on older systems (see
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31 31 checksums rmd160 1175ef36e0b3626703d2caccc8f01be0f7aa55ad \
32 32 sha256 21ea4a6c4e241e3b9d6f991ac98b2df8b9c45e17bdb416e836cefbde2d524574
33 33
34 34 use_xz yes
35 35
36 36 depends_lib-append port:kdelibs4 \
37 37 port:boost \
38 38 port:grantlee \
39 39 port:sparsehash
40 40
41 +configure.args-append -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=c++11"
42 +
41 43 #Binaries do not link to openssl, nor use the ssl backend of kdelibs4
42 44 license_noconflict openssl
43 45
44 46 #1. Deactivating subversion detection at configure to avoid hidden \
45 47 # use of system one (ticket #35185)
46 48 patchfiles-append patch-pluginsCMakeLists.diff \
47 49 patch-KDEmacros.diff
48 50
49 51 variant subversion description {Add subversion support for kdevelop} {
50 52 depends_lib-append port:subversion

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