
Giovanni Bussi authored and Chris Jones committed 4519e97ca82
plumed: update to v2.5.3
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup github 1.0
5 5 # Notice that this rules out gcc variants.
6 6 # See
7 7 PortGroup cxx11 1.1
8 8 PortGroup mpi 1.0
9 9 PortGroup linear_algebra 1.0
10 10 PortGroup debug 1.0
11 11
12 -github.setup plumed plumed2 2.5.2 v
12 +github.setup plumed plumed2 2.5.3 v
13 13 name plumed
14 14
15 15 categories science
16 16
17 17 # Most of the PLUMED code is L-GPL3. However, PLUMED containts
18 18 # molfile plugins from VMD that are released with a BSD-like license
19 19 #
20 20 license LGPL-3 BSD
21 21 maintainers { @GiovanniBussi} openmaintainer
22 22 description PLUMED is a plugin for molecular dynamics
23 23 long_description PLUMED is a plugin for molecular dynamics that can be used \
24 24 in combination with popular molecular dynamics codes to perform biased simulations. \
25 25 Additionally, it can be used as a standalone tool to analyze trajectories.
26 26
27 27 platforms darwin
28 28
29 29 homepage
30 30
31 -checksums rmd160 d1c138a471707bb917f9ffbb83f3b6c5f0b68462 \
32 - sha256 4092bdf72cdcc53012844b7a3a708ec960000267a627c28320810554d26f19d9 \
33 - size 69331613
31 +checksums rmd160 b8177e64c230f968a1c8bf0941b8a38ffa8f6476 \
32 + sha256 75be9e8caeef2ded69b844be0eb12ad69e25c1ee9d193a179a5ba3e9b5cd09ab \
33 + size 69826544
34 34
35 35 # Disable additional features.
36 36 # --disable-doc: Do not create documentation, and avoid searching for Doxygen.
37 37 # --disable-libsearch: Avoid searching libraries using their default names.
38 38 # This forces the libraries names to be explicitly passed (e.g. "-lz").
39 39 # It has the advantage that during compilation from source it does not
40 40 # link packages that are not explicitely required.
41 41 # --disable-static-patch: Avoid a number of tests that are only required when linking plumed
42 42 # statically to an MD code.
43 43 # --disable-mpi: Do not search for MPI compiler (replaced when enabling mpi, see below)
104 104
105 105 # Link lapack/blas libraries
106 106 pre-configure {
107 107 # commands should be included in a pre-configure block to access tcl variables
108 108 configure.ldflags-append ${linalglib}
109 109 }
110 110
111 111 # plumed-devel subport
112 112 # This subport installs the developer version
113 113 subport plumed-devel {
114 - github.setup plumed plumed2 d6627cba892750546996b752282f200a41ed9c5e
115 - version 2.6-20190719
114 + github.setup plumed plumed2 b7009ae74dd2419de80adec71777d199c8969214
115 + version 2.6-20191011
116 116 description ${description} (development version)
117 117 long_description ${long_description} (development version)
118 118 conflicts plumed
119 - checksums rmd160 9b980081a6cb733769d8acfc52f44810698634e6 \
120 - sha256 018681903daae08b45eb836209165dfbf443edff49984c591a64a9602feb278d \
121 - size 72598389
119 + checksums rmd160 6f936147e12f79c459ec71a5db05714245727669 \
120 + sha256 3910611c02dc92744abe4f7bd04a69e74ce92c7b0e8087bdebb9bf23aa721f39 \
121 + size 73784858
122 122 }
123 123
124 124 # Allow running tests from MacPorts
125 125 yes
126 126 check
127 127

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