
Adam Mercer authored 4addfeef4fa
dqsegdb: drop maintainership
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3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup python 1.0
5 5
6 6 name dqsegdb
7 7 version 1.4.0
8 8 revision 2
9 9 categories science
10 10 license GPL-3+
11 11 platforms darwin
12 12 supported_archs noarch
13 -maintainers {ram @skymoo}
13 +maintainers nomaintainer
14 14
15 15 description Client library for DQSegDB
16 16 long_description \
17 17 This provices the client tools needed to connect to LIGO/Virgo \
18 18 DQSEGDB instances.
19 19 homepage
20 20 master_sites
21 21
22 22 checksums rmd160 8c4a8067dd1f9e2fbf98857e2e855b96447fa1d2 \
23 23 sha256 962bee846c07209bb8929edcbde9553d8f277315a3535fdee75289992ed0e2bf

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