
Mark Moll authored 4e4ce473a21
py-tables: fix py27 and py38 subports

- revert py27 to last version that supports python 2.7 - remove cython-generated files and let pyXY-cython automatically regenerate them. Needed for py38 subport.
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup python 1.0
5 5 PortGroup mpi 1.0
6 6
7 7 set realname tables
8 8 name py-${realname}
9 9 version 3.6.0
10 -revision 0
10 +revision 1
11 11 categories-append science
12 12 platforms darwin
13 13 license BSD
14 14
15 15 python.versions 27 34 35 36 37 38
16 16
17 17 maintainers {mmoll @mamoll} openmaintainer
18 18
19 19 description Package for managing hierarchical datasets
20 20 long_description PyTables is a package for managing hierarchical datasets \
27 27
28 28 checksums rmd160 63669412aa325d85a7c45b10966263534a9808c0 \
29 29 sha256 db3488214864fb313a611fca68bf1c9019afe4e7877be54d0e61c84416603d4d \
30 30 size 7818293
31 31
32 32 distname ${realname}-${version}
33 33
34 34 mpi.setup
35 35
36 36 if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
37 + # Last version that supports python 2.7
38 + if {${python.version} eq 27} {
39 + version 3.5.2
40 + revision 1
41 + distname ${realname}-${version}
42 + checksums rmd160 9e5aa9f3b270888c853eb5f30cd6461a362bb1c1 \
43 + sha256 b220e32262bab320aa41d33125a7851ff898be97c0de30b456247508e2cc33c2 \
44 + size 7825372
45 + }
46 +
37 47 build_ext
38 48 build.args --inplace \
39 49 --hdf5=${prefix} \
40 50 --bzip2=${prefix} \
41 51 --lzo=${prefix} \
42 52 --blosc=${prefix}
43 53
44 54 destroot.args --hdf5=${prefix} \
45 55 --bzip2=${prefix} \
46 56 --lzo=${prefix} \
71 81 file attributes ${item} -permissions a+rx
72 82 } elseif {[file isfile ${item}]} {
73 83 file attributes ${item} -permissions a+r
74 84 }
75 85 }
76 86
77 87 file rename ${worksrcpath}/src/utils.h ${worksrcpath}/src/xxx_utils.h
78 88 }
79 89
80 90 post-patch {
81 - reinplace -q "s:utils.h:xxx_utils.h:" {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/{src,tables}/*.c]
91 + delete {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/tables/*.c]
92 + reinplace -q "s:utils.h:xxx_utils.h:" {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/{src,tables}/*.{c,pxd,pyx}]
82 93 }
83 94
84 95 post-destroot {
85 96 xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}
86 97 xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} LICENSE.txt README.rst \
88 99 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}
89 100 }
90 101 }
91 102

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