
Ryan Schmidt authored 5080f4e47be
minivmac*: Use 3.5.8_4 for bootstrap
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64 64 use_zip yes
65 65
66 66 master_sites${my_version}/:minivmacsource \
67 67 sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac-extras/extras6:minivmacextras6 \
68 68 sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac-extras/extras11:minivmacextras11 \
69 69 \
70 70
71 71
72 72 set my_src ${distname}.src
73 73 set my_src_distfile ${my_src}.zip
74 - set my_bootstrap_distfile ${my_name}
74 + set my_bootstrap_distfile ${my_name}
75 75 set my_icons icnsosx-1.0.0
76 76 set my_icons_distfile ${my_icons}.zip
77 77 set my_autoquit autquit7-1.3.1
78 78 set my_autoquit_distfile ${my_autoquit}.zip
79 79 set my_system_disk_container System_7.0.1.smi
80 80 set my_system_disk_container_distfile ${my_system_disk_container}.bin
81 81
82 82 distfiles ${my_src_distfile}:minivmacsource \
83 83 ${my_bootstrap_distfile}:bootstrap \
84 84 ${my_icons_distfile}:minivmacextras6 \
88 88 extract.only ${my_src_distfile} \
89 89 ${my_bootstrap_distfile} \
90 90 ${my_icons_distfile} \
91 91 ${my_autoquit_distfile}
92 92
93 93 checksums ${my_src_distfile} \
94 94 rmd160 818b45d1ee993c28ab36be3370f059b32ba8f1f9 \
95 95 sha256 9cf58688772d1cd0b4c061148b01f3c6ee32567b07773cc2ed63246d2fb3af61 \
96 96 size 677097 \
97 97 ${my_bootstrap_distfile} \
98 - rmd160 32e803a75d4f9ab6b7dfa5a7b1ec2ef9d3a057c2 \
99 - sha256 e6fe692683ab54e08b0350fe9901e872f7bf3c3a62f69b45773254fce45a4fae \
100 - size 85381 \
98 + rmd160 a15361b4b0d765e55ed84525593639b38e4a71fd \
99 + sha256 ad08da6cfdf616d67664520eb2dd787632c502c43ff6355ac6e3a7fc8d53e811 \
100 + size 148787 \
101 101 ${my_icons_distfile} \
102 102 rmd160 cef6d7d7578464538d0042b0d98379ae7f18fab7 \
103 103 sha256 968a0bad51903c9cd3b08476ec5a6572856dc44eedf9ff9b174eb9c59b7b7117 \
104 104 size 60373 \
105 105 ${my_autoquit_distfile} \
106 106 rmd160 949ce06752fbcfa9a92787497dace45e7299eb41 \
107 107 sha256 a9aad37cfd2d6dbd4db5e307b8598348ba25aa5504aac968b8d570d5927e576a \
108 108 size 52341 \
109 109 ${my_system_disk_container_distfile} \
110 110 rmd160 89fc3780c9c5d575a8da4068dc810c1f56c70211 \
169 169 ui_msg "${my_app_dir}."
170 170 ui_msg "****************************************************************"
171 171 return -code error "${my_rom_file} not found"
172 172 }
173 173 }
174 174
175 175 worksrcdir configure
176 176 build.dir ${workpath}/build
177 177 extract.mkdir yes
178 178 set mnvm_data_dir ${worksrcpath}/${my_bootstrap_app}/Contents/mnvm_dat
179 - set mnvm_output_dir ${worksrcpath}
179 + set mnvm_output_dir ${mnvm_data_dir}/out
180 180
181 181 post-extract {
182 182 # Decompress the system disk container image.
183 183 ui_debug "Decompressing ${my_system_disk_container_distfile}."
184 184 set my_system_disk_container_decompressed "[file rootname ${my_system_disk_container}].dmg"
185 185 system -W ${worksrcpath} "hdiutil convert '${distpath}/${my_system_disk_container_distfile}' -format UDRO -o '${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}'"
186 186
187 187 # The images on the container image. Images we don't need are commented out for future reference.
188 188 set my_images {
189 189 {Disk Tools.image} 58368 eb1979132c843560ebab490faeb7520d9a94757ecef3121a21abace8d3ae63ff
200 200 ui_debug "Extracting ${my_image_filename} from ${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}."
201 201 system -W ${worksrcpath} "dd if='${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}' bs=4 count=368661 skip=${my_image_offset} of='${my_image_filename}'"
202 202 if {${my_image_sha256} ne [sha256 file ${worksrcpath}/${my_image_filename}]} {
203 203 return -code error "extract failed"
204 204 }
205 205 }
206 206
207 207 # Delete temporary files we no longer need.
208 208 delete ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}
209 209
210 - # Make the data directory, where Mini vMac looks for the files it needs.
211 - file mkdir ${mnvm_data_dir}
212 -
213 210 # Symlink the ROM file into the data directory.
214 211 ln -s [my_real_rom_file] ${mnvm_data_dir}
215 212
216 213 # Use the prettier icon on the bootstrap app.
217 - copy -force ${worksrcpath}/${my_icons}/icons//AppIcon.icns ${worksrcpath}/${my_bootstrap_app}/Contents/Resources/
214 + copy -force ${worksrcpath}/${my_icons}/icons/AppIcon.icns ${worksrcpath}/${my_bootstrap_app}/Contents/Resources/ICONAPPO.icns
218 215 }
219 216
220 217 post-patch {
221 218 # See in the files directory for instructions
222 219 # on recreating these binary patchfiles.
223 220
224 221 # Modify the AutQuit7 disk to have an alias "app" pointing to the MnvM_b35
225 222 # application and an 8192-byte TeachText file called "doc" (containing
226 223 # "@START@", 8180 periods and spaces, and "@END@").
227 224 system -W ${worksrcpath}/${my_autoquit} "${prefix}/bin/bspatch '${my_autoquit}.dsk' '${my_autoquit}.dsk.tmp' '${filespath}/patch-${my_autoquit}.dsk.bsdiff'"

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