
Alex authored and tobypeterson committed 593e7b26ef8
PRICE: Update to 1.3.0
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1 1 PortSystem 1.0
2 2 PortGroup gnustep 1.0
3 3
4 4 name PRICE
5 -version 0.8.1
5 +version 1.3.0
6 6 platforms darwin
7 7 license GPL-2+
8 -maintainers nomaintainer
8 +maintainers
9 9 homepage
10 10 description A high-quality image manipulation and enhancement application.
11 -long_description ${description}
11 +long_description PRICE can open several image file formats and apply high-quality filters and other enhancements.
12 12
13 13 master_sites sourceforge:price
14 -checksums md5 f5a357f6fd93661f4bf778c388f07bc0
14 +checksums md5 3fefe66a64b345a126e94024c0030777 \
15 + rmd160 624d551c9b188244fd35b11aaf6c2f57076a9467 \
16 + sha256 464bca113731023b43949992456cfa054f2d0fa3e1c5e7b5ca399f3f6f0af49b
15 17 worksrcdir ${name}

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