
Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia authored 607997ade7f
misc: Update port:openssl dependency to path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia <>
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1086 1086 variant debug description {Build both release and debug libraries} {
1087 1087 configure.args-replace -release -debug-and-release
1088 1088 }
1089 1089
1090 1090 variant openssl description {Use OpenSSL instead of Secure Transport} {
1091 1091 configure.args-delete -securetransport -no-openssl
1092 1092 configure.args-append -openssl-linked
1093 1093
1094 1094 # see
1095 1095 # for why not a path dependency
1096 - depends_lib-append port:openssl
1096 + depends_lib-append path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl
1097 1097 }
1098 1098 default_variants-append +openssl
1099 1099
1100 1100 } else {
1101 1101 # these subports use qmake
1102 1102 PortGroup qmake5 1.0
1103 1103
1104 1104 # detremint which variants are to be turned off
1105 1105 set request_examples true
1106 1106 set request_tests true

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