
Joshua Root authored 640b7e0aa87
clang-3.4 and deps: allow bootstrapping libcxx on 10.6

This involves non-conflicting subports that use libstdc++ for ports that use a C++ stdlib and their dependents, and clearing configure.cxx_stdlib for the ports that don't use a C++ stdlib so that a macports-clang compiler won't be used.
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26 26 patchfiles patch-Makefile-man.diff \
27 27 patch-Makefile-links.diff \
28 28 patch-Makefile-so.diff
29 29
30 30 use_configure no
31 31
32 32 use_parallel_build yes
33 33
34 34 variant universal {}
35 35
36 +if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11} {
37 + # Having the stdlib set to libc++ on 10.6 causes a dependency on a
38 + # macports-clang compiler to be added, which would be a dep cycle.
39 + configure.cxx_stdlib
40 +}
41 +
36 42 build.args CC="${} [get_canonical_archflags cc]" \
37 43 PREFIX=${prefix}
38 44
39 45 destroot.destdir PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix}
40 46
41 47 platform darwin {
42 48 patchfiles-replace patch-Makefile-so.diff patch-Makefile-dylib.diff
43 49
44 50 post-patch {
45 51 reinplace "s|__MacPorts_Version__|${version}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile

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