
Leonardo Brondani Schenkel authored 6c00801c384
free42: update to 2.5.13
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
2 2 # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab filetype=tcl :
3 3
4 4 PortSystem 1.0
5 5 PortGroup xcode 1.0
6 6
7 7 name free42
8 -version 2.5.11
8 +version 2.5.13
9 9 platforms darwin
10 10 categories emulators
11 11 license GPL-2
12 12 maintainers {lbschenkel @lbschenkel} openmaintainer
13 13 description a HP-42s Simulator
14 14 long_description Free42 is a complete re-implementation of the HP-42S \
15 15 calculator and the HP-82240 printer. Free42 was written \
16 16 from scratch, without using any HP code. You do not \
17 17 need any ROM images in order to use it, yet it is fully \
18 18 HP-42S compatible.
19 19 supported_archs x86_64
20 20
21 21 homepage
22 22
23 23 master_sites
24 24 distname ${name}-macports-${version}
25 25 distfiles ${distname}.tgz:upstream
26 26 checksums ${distname}.tgz \
27 - rmd160 d91b8c873cdccec8b6f927152c13c3f5682df6b0 \
28 - sha256 78f9887e34728a127b41f7f8dadb69f846dc3a6f49ad32a1ed5781d51d624ccf \
29 - size 8934851
27 + rmd160 8e2e8063d3897e15c7700948db506b4951eec43d \
28 + sha256 5c499bdae76956c0ecd1120465d052a3d06dd6657de7eb9b3da68274c314ab8f \
29 + size 8935513
30 30
31 31 extract.only ${distname}.tgz
32 32 patchfiles patch-Free42.xcodeproj.diff
33 33 patch.pre_args -p1
34 34 build.dir ${build.dir}/mac
35 35 xcode.configuration 'Release Decimal'
36 36
37 37 # fix build with Xcode 10
38 38 if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ([vercmp $xcodeversion 10.0] > 0)} {
39 39 build.pre_args -UseNewBuildSystem=NO

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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