
Mark Moll authored 70ee12e6d24
science/hmmer: update license
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1 1 PortSystem 1.0
2 2
3 3 name hmmer
4 4 version 3.2.1
5 5 epoch 4
6 6 categories science
7 7 maintainers {mmoll @mamoll} openmaintainer
8 -license GPL-3
8 +license BSD
9 9 description HMMER searches biological sequence databases for \
10 10 homologous sequences.
11 11 long_description HMMER searches biological sequence databases for \
12 12 homologous sequences, using either single sequences or multiple \
13 13 sequence alignments as queries. HMMER implements a technology \
14 14 called "profile hidden Markov models" (profile HMMs). HMMER is \
15 15 the software engine underlying many protein family domain \
16 16 databases and large-scale annotation pipelines, including the \
17 17 Pfam and SMART databases.
18 18 homepage

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