
Christopher Chavez authored and Chris Jones committed 7517954568e
p5-alien-base-modulebuild: remove old conflict handler

Conflict was resolved over one year ago: - handler was present when port was created in 9d3d1f8a33 - p5-alien-base was obsoleted in 41e0c82f60 and removed in 91f5ac2823
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30 30 port:p${perl5.major}-html-parser \
31 31 port:p${perl5.major}-http-tiny \
32 32 port:p${perl5.major}-module-build \
33 33 port:p${perl5.major}-path-tiny \
34 34 port:p${perl5.major}-shell-config-generate \
35 35 port:p${perl5.major}-shell-guess \
36 36 port:p${perl5.major}-sort-versions \
37 37 port:p${perl5.major}-text-parsewords \
38 38 port:p${perl5.major}-uri
39 39
40 - # p5-alien-base-modulebuild was previously part of p5-alien-base now separate
41 - # deactivate old conflicting p5-alien-base before activation
42 -
43 - pre-activate {
44 - set pname p${perl5.major}-alien-base
45 - if {![catch {set installed [lindex [registry_active $pname] 0]}]} {
46 - set _version [lindex $installed 1]
47 - if {[vercmp $_version 0.40] < 0} {
48 - registry_deactivate_composite $pname "" [list ports_nodepcheck 1]
49 - }
50 - }
51 - }
52 -
53 40 perl5.use_module_build
54 41 supported_archs noarch
55 42 }

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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