
David B. Evans authored 7829319554c
liboauth: depend on nss rather than openssl

Hash/sign code is incompatible with openssl 1.1.0+.
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12 12
13 13 description collection of POSIX-c functions implementing the OAuth Core \
14 14 RFC 5849 standard
15 15
16 16 long_description ${description}
17 17
18 18 homepage
19 19 master_sites sourceforge
20 20
21 21 checksums rmd160 c9f3182e51b48ebae27f577ccb077d8263c52f9a \
22 - sha256 0df60157b052f0e774ade8a8bac59d6e8d4b464058cc55f9208d72e41156811f
22 + sha256 0df60157b052f0e774ade8a8bac59d6e8d4b464058cc55f9208d72e41156811f \
23 + size 504950
23 24
24 25 depends_build port:autoconf \
25 26 port:libtool \
26 27 port:pkgconfig
27 28
28 -depends_lib path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl \
29 +# hash/sign incompatible with openssl 1.1.0+, use nss to avoid conflict with libcurl
30 +depends_lib port:nss \
29 31 port:curl
30 32
33 +configure.args-append \
34 + --enable-nss
35 +
31 36 livecheck.regex "${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"

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