
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez authored 84a776916df
tcl: update version 8.6.9->8.6.10
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4
5 5 name tcl
6 -version 8.6.9
7 -revision 2
6 +version 8.6.10
7 +revision 0
8 8 # Tk (x11/tk) port depends on this version
9 9 categories lang
10 10 license Tcl/Tk
11 11 maintainers {mcalhoun @MarcusCalhoun-Lopez} openmaintainer
12 12 platforms darwin freebsd
13 13 description Tool Command Language
14 14 long_description \
15 15 Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a very powerful but easy to learn dynamic \
16 16 programming language, suitable for a very wide range of uses, including web \
17 17 and desktop applications, networking, administration, testing and many more. \
18 18 Open source and business-friendly, Tcl is a mature yet evolving language \
19 19 that is truly cross platform, easily deployed and highly extensible.
20 20
21 21 homepage
22 22 master_sites sourceforge:project/tcl/Tcl/${version}
23 23
24 -checksums rmd160 73d064888101ab3a4a832bd9b242937e5f26315c \
25 - sha256 ad0cd2de2c87b9ba8086b43957a0de3eb2eb565c7159d5f53ccbba3feb915f4e \
26 - size 10000896
24 +checksums rmd160 e44c76e48b77c825dc6fb7a78ef8f7297106784a \
25 + sha256 5196dbf6638e3df8d5c87b5815c8c2b758496eb6f0e41446596c9a4e638d87ed \
26 + size 10144235
27 27
28 -# see
29 -dist_subdir tcltk_1
30 28 distname ${name}${version}-src
31 29 worksrcdir ${name}${version}/unix
32 30 configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
33 31 --disable-corefoundation \
34 32 --disable-threads
35 33 configure.cppflags-delete -I${prefix}/include
36 34 configure.ldflags-delete -L${prefix}/lib
37 35
38 36 pre-configure {
39 37 # sqlite3 package is provided by sqlite3-tcl

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