
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez authored and David B. Evans committed 86c0ed5733c
libde265: add variant to build video players
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17 17 checksums rmd160 90e463e4b5c5f5e3e20804efab98c02ae56ca770 \
18 18 sha256 e4206185a7c67d3b797d6537df8dcaa6e5fd5a5f93bd14e65a755c33cd645f7a \
19 19 size 871127
20 20
21 21 compiler.cxx_standard 2011
22 22
23 23 # dec265, a simple player for raw h.265 bitstreams.
24 24 # sherlock265, a Qt-based video player.
25 25 configure.args-append --disable-dec265 \
26 26 --disable-sherlock265
27 +
28 +variant players description {install example video players} {
29 + PortGroup qt5 1.0
30 + PortGroup active_variants 1.1
31 +
32 + configure.args-delete --disable-dec265 \
33 + --disable-sherlock265
34 +
35 + depends_lib-append path:lib/pkgconfig/libswscale.pc:ffmpeg \
36 + port:libsdl \
37 + port:libvideogfx
38 + configure.env-append PATH=${qt_dir}/bin:$env(PATH)
39 +
40 + require_active_variants libvideogfx x11
41 +}

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