
Ken authored and GitHub committed 9e4f4d37577
the_silver_searcher: tweak blacklisting again

Now how did "cc" ever become a preferred compiler on 10.6.8 x86_64?
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26 26
27 27 depends_build port:pkgconfig
28 28 depends_lib port:pcre \
29 29 port:xz
30 30
31 31 build.args-append V=1
32 32
33 33 # requires basic thread-local storage -- Looking forward to the
34 34 # new streamlined compiler selection coming in base which should replace this
35 35 # src/print.c:34: error: thread-local storage not supported for this target
36 -compiler.blacklist-append *gcc-3.* *gcc-4.*
36 +compiler.blacklist-append *gcc-3.* *gcc-4.* cc
37 37 compiler.blacklist-append { clang < 318 } macports-clang-3.3
38 38 if { ${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11 } {
39 39 compiler.blacklist-append macports-clang-3.4 macports-clang-3.7 macports-clang-3.9 macports-clang 4.0
40 40 }
41 41 platform darwin i386 {
42 42 compiler.fallback-append macports-clang-5.0 macports-clang-6.0 macports-clang-7.0
43 43 }
44 44 platform darwin powerpc {
45 45 compiler.fallback-append macports-gcc-6 macports-gcc-7 macports-gcc-5
46 46 }

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