
Juan Manuel Palacios authored a08535b4b45
nomaintainer address abstraction in gnome category.

git-svn-id: d073be05-634f-4543-b044-5fe20cf6d1d6
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1 1 # $Id$
2 2 PortSystem 1.0
3 3 name acme
4 4 version 2.4.1
5 5 description Tool to make multimedia keys work on laptops
6 6 long_description This is ACME, a small tool for your laptops. \
7 7 It makes the small multimedia buttons on these \
8 8 things actually do something. It currently only \
9 9 fully supports Apple laptops (iBooks and \
10 10 Powerbooks), and should work on other systems as well.
11 -maintainers
11 +maintainers nomaintainer
12 12 categories gnome
13 13 platforms darwin
14 14 homepage
15 15 master_sites gnome:sources/acme/2.4/
16 16 checksums md5 0e4b240662a706d529757a86fe4bf0c5
17 17 depends_lib lib:libgnome-window-settings:control-center
18 18 use_bzip2 yes
19 19 configure.cppflags-append "-L${prefix}/lib"
20 20 configure.cflags-append "-bind_at_load -no-cpp-precomp -flat_namespace -undefined suppress"

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