
Christopher Chavez authored and NicosPavlov committed a2bbb1d61b5
kdenetwork4 deps: remove old conflict handlers (#4464)

Added when ports were split from kdenetwork4 in 9335e767c8 over 5 years ago.
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17 17 use_xz yes
18 18
19 19 checksums rmd160 447a861ee73886ef782c079aba43464e47196527 \
20 20 sha256 cd98dff05fc4848b25ec9cb1dd11bfddacddee7775c86a12a6e04f20a5e11b29
21 21
22 22 #Binaries do not link to openssl, nor use the ssl backend of kdelibs4
23 23 license_noconflict openssl
24 24
25 25 depends_lib-append port:kdelibs4
26 26
27 -pre-activate {
28 - #Deactivate hack for when kdenetwork4 port has been fragmented into small ports
29 - if {[file exists ${prefix}/lib/kde4/]
30 - && ![catch {set vers [lindex [registry_active kdenetwork4] 0]}]
31 - && [vercmp [lindex $vers 1] 4.11.0] < 0} {
32 - registry_deactivate_composite kdenetwork4 "" [list ports_nodepcheck 1]
33 - }
34 -}
35 -
36 27 livecheck.url ${kde4.mirror}
37 28 livecheck.regex (\\d+(\\.\\d+)+)

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