
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez authored and MarcusCalhoun-Lopez committed a3d8408b6bd
pcb: fix livecheck to only find released versions
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84 84 port:mesa
85 85 configure.args-append --with-x=no
86 86 }
87 87 if {[variant_isset quartz]} {
88 88 require_active_variants port:gtk2 quartz
89 89 require_active_variants port:gtkglext quartz
90 90 } else {
91 91 require_active_variants port:gtk2 x11
92 92 require_active_variants port:gtkglext "" quartz
93 93 }
94 +
95 +livecheck.regex /${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)

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