
Marius Schamschula authored a4b6517e0c7
latexdiff: use perl5.26

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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup perl5 1.0
5 5
6 6 # PortGroup github 1.0
7 7 # github.setup ftilmann latexdiff 1.1.1
8 8 name latexdiff
9 9 version 1.2.1
10 +revision 1
10 11 categories tex
11 12 maintainers nomaintainer
12 13 license GPL-3+
13 14 platforms darwin
14 15 supported_archs noarch
15 16 description determine and mark up significant differences between latex files
16 17 long_description \
17 18 latexdiff is a Perl script, which compares two latex files and marks up \
18 19 significant differences between them (i.e. a diff for latex files). Various \
19 20 options are available for visual markup using standard latex packages such \
20 21 as \"color.sty\". Changes not directly affecting visible text, for example in \
21 22 formatting commands, are still marked in the latex source.
22 23
23 24 homepage
24 25 master_sites${name}/releases/download/${version}/
25 26
26 27 checksums rmd160 4ce4afc970029e4eff2b26c5dbf93838e74a4f6b \
27 28 sha256 12634c8ec5c68b173d3906679bb09330e724491c6a64e675989217cf4790604e
28 29
29 -perl5.branches 5.24
30 +perl5.branches 5.26
30 31
31 32 depends_run port:perl${perl5.major} \
32 33 port:p${perl5.major}-algorithm-diff
33 34
34 35 post-patch {
35 36 reinplace -W ${worksrcpath} "s|/usr/bin/env perl|${perl5.bin}|g" \
36 37 latexdiff latexdiff-fast latexdiff-so latexdiff-vc latexrevise
37 38 }
38 39
39 40 use_configure no

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