
idleberg authored and Frank Schima committed af4b813a21f
nsis: update to 3.05
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4
5 5 name nsis
6 -version 3.04
6 +version 3.05
7 7 set major [lindex [split ${version} .] 0]
8 8 categories devel
9 9 license zlib CPL-1 MIT
10 10 platforms darwin
11 11 maintainers nomaintainer
12 12
13 13 description NSIS is a tool for creating win32 installers.
14 14 long_description NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a tool \
15 15 that allows programmers to create software installers \
16 16 for Windows. It is released under an open source \
17 17 license and is completely free for any use.
18 18
19 19 homepage
20 20 master_sites sourceforge:project/nsis/NSIS%20${major}/${version}
21 21
22 22 distname ${name}-${version}-src
23 23 use_bzip2 yes
24 24
25 25 distfiles-append nsis-${version}.zip
26 26 extract.only-delete nsis-${version}.zip
27 27
28 -checksums nsis-3.04-src.tar.bz2 \
29 - rmd160 9647acea3069fb8abb89853f3b394f4be7307728 \
30 - sha256 609536046c50f35cfd909dd7df2ab38f2e835d0da3c1048aa0d48c59c5a4f4f5 \
31 - size 1740579 \
32 - \
33 - rmd160 795f9233fbbbd60876734a68397d172b1f47dec5 \
34 - sha256 22f3349fea453a45551745635c13e5efb7849ecbdce709daa2b2fa8e2ac55fc4 \
35 - size 2246851
28 +checksums nsis-3.05-src.tar.bz2 \
29 + rmd160 8666b74da1b04d2810aaaf4aa7bba202b6a78e3c \
30 + sha256 b6e1b309ab907086c6797618ab2879cb95387ec144dab36656b0b5fb77e97ce9 \
31 + size 1761491 \
32 + \
33 + rmd160 5e799781fe6a93b4d21f6dac53355ca0e925ffce \
34 + sha256 3280c579b767a27b9bf53c17696cba550aed439d32fac972fe4469c97b198873 \
35 + size 2307044
36 36
37 37 depends_build port:scons
38 38
39 39 depends_lib port:libiconv \
40 40 port:zlib
41 41
42 42 # Installer checks for cross-compiler during build, but doesn't seem to use it?
43 43 # port:i386-mingw32-gcc
44 44
45 45 post-extract {

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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