
Chih-Hsuan Yen authored b56dd7f85c6
openssl11: mark as obsoleted

The main openssl port is updated to 1.1.1c in commit e660ba6a7265d21b28decb8f2b9a0ec4fd6541fe.
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 -PortGroup muniversal 1.0
4 +
5 +PortGroup obsolete 1.0
6 +replaced_by openssl
5 7
6 8 name openssl11
7 9 version 1.1.1c
8 -
9 -# Please revbump these ports when updating OpenSSL.
10 -# - freeradius (#43461)
11 -# - openssh (#54990)
12 -
10 +revision 1
13 11 categories devel security
14 -platforms darwin
15 -license OpenSSL SSLeay
16 -maintainers {yan12125 @yan12125} openmaintainer
17 -
18 -description OpenSSL SSL/TLS cryptography library
19 -long_description The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to \
20 - develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, \
21 - and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure \
22 - Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer \
23 - Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as \
24 - a full-strength general purpose cryptography \
25 - library.
26 -homepage
27 -
28 -conflicts libressl libressl-devel openssl
29 -
30 -depends_lib port:zlib
31 -
32 -distname openssl-${version}
33 -# See
34 -master_sites ${homepage}/source \
35 - \
36 - \
37 - \
38 - \
39 - \
40 - \
41 -
42 -
43 -checksums sha1 71b830a077276cbeccc994369538617a21bee808 \
44 - rmd160 6e31a6191e954b3a960cc996833ae275de6c0f2f \
45 - sha256 f6fb3079ad15076154eda9413fed42877d668e7069d9b87396d0804fdb3f4c90 \
46 - size 8864262
47 -
48 -# patchfiles
49 -
50 -configure.ccache no
51 -configure.perl /usr/bin/perl
52 -configure.cmd ./Configure
53 -configure.args -L${prefix}/lib \
54 - --openssldir=${prefix}/etc/openssl \
55 - shared \
56 - zlib
57 -# Use SDK if necessary.
58 -if {${configure.sdkroot} ne ""} {
59 - configure.args-append '-isysroot ${configure.sdkroot}' \
60 - -Wl,-syslibroot,${configure.sdkroot}
61 -}
62 -
63 -set merger_arch_compiler no
64 -array set merger_configure_args {
65 - ppc darwin-ppc-cc
66 - i386 darwin-i386-cc
67 - ppc64 darwin64-ppc-cc
68 - x86_64 darwin64-x86_64-cc
69 -}
70 -platform darwin {
71 - # Don't use i386 assembly on Tiger (#38015, #43303).
72 - if {${os.major} <= 8} {
73 - append merger_configure_args(i386) { no-asm}
74 - }
75 - # Don't use x86-64 assembly on Tiger or Leopard.
76 - if {${os.major} <= 9} {
77 - append merger_configure_args(x86_64) { no-asm}
78 - # OpenSSL requires Perl 5.10.0, while Leopard ships Perl 5.8.8
79 - depends_build-append port:perl5
80 - configure.perl ${prefix}/bin/perl5
81 - }
82 -}
83 -# Don't pass --host to configure.
84 -array set merger_host {ppc {} i386 {} ppc64 {} x86_64 {}}
85 -
86 -if {![variant_isset universal]
87 - && [info exists merger_configure_args(${configure.build_arch})]} {
88 - configure.args-append $merger_configure_args(${configure.build_arch})
89 -}
90 -configure.universal_args-delete --disable-dependency-tracking
91 -
92 -# Parallel builds don't quite work (#46719).
93 -use_parallel_build no
94 -
95 yes
96 -
97 -if {[variant_isset universal]} {
98 - pre-destroot {
99 - global merger_dont_diff
100 - if {[llength ${universal_archs_to_use}] > 2} {
101 - lappend merger_dont_diff ${prefix}/include/openssl/opensslconf.h
102 - }
103 - }
104 -}
105 -
106 -destroot.args MANDIR=${prefix}/share/man MANSUFFIX=ssl
107 -
108 -variant rfc3779 description {enable RFC 3779: X.509 Extensions for IP Addresses and AS Identifiers} {
109 - configure.args-append enable-rfc3779
110 -}
111 -
112 -livecheck.type regex
113 -livecheck.url [lindex ${master_sites} 0]
114 -livecheck.regex openssl-(\[0-9.\]+\[a-z\]?)\\.tar\\.gz
12 +# Remove after 2020-09-08

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