
Aarno Aukia authored and Perry E. Metzger committed b60118a1164
tcptrace: update upstream urls

According to the new download url is The file/checksum is still the same: $ shasum -a 256 tcptrace-6.6.7.tar.gz 63380a4051933ca08979476a9dfc6f959308bc9f60d45255202e388eb56910bd tcptrace-6.6.7.tar.gz Likewise the debian-mirror for the patch has moved to debian-archive, available though https at:
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14 14 description A TCP dump file analysis tool
15 15
16 16 long_description \
17 17 tcptrace a TCP dump file analysis tool written by Shawn Ostermann at \
18 18 Ohio University. It is NOT a packet capture program. It reads output \
19 19 dump files in the formats of several popular packet capturing \
20 20 programs: tcpdump, snoop, etherpeek, and netm. It can also output \
21 21 (i.e. convert thus converting to) tcpdump format files.
22 22
23 23 homepage
24 -master_sites
24 +master_sites
25 25
26 26 checksums tcptrace-${version}.tar.gz \
27 27 rmd160 1dd0f373f766322343ffad59d0655eba4c6682e0 \
28 28 sha256 63380a4051933ca08979476a9dfc6f959308bc9f60d45255202e388eb56910bd \
29 29 tcptrace_6.6.7-3.diff.gz \
30 30 rmd160 bde0be924b6789189a4a14c6c5adb5b5a7041054 \
31 31 sha256 9a5212155f5cd4bc9bfefaa73da8d3b4084a96865bcc1e96232a1e1b265bb54a
32 32
33 33 depends_lib lib:libpcap:libpcap
34 34
35 -patch_sites
35 +patch_sites
36 36 patchfiles tcptrace_6.6.7-3.diff.gz
37 37 patch.pre_args -p1
38 38
39 39 post-configure {
40 40 set path "${worksrcpath}"
41 41 reinplace "s|PCAP_INCS = -I/usr/local/include -I. -I../pcap -I/usr/include/pcap|PCAP_INCS = -I${prefix}/include|" "${path}/Makefile"
42 42 reinplace "s|PCAP_LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -Llib -Lpcap -L../pcap -L./cygwin-libs|PCAP_LDFLAGS = -L${prefix}/lib|" "${path}/Makefile"
43 43 }
44 44
45 45 destroot {

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