
Zero King authored bc63f2a8263
vala: update to 0.36.2
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4
5 5 name vala
6 -version 0.36.0
6 +version 0.36.2
7 7 set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
8 8 categories lang
9 9 maintainers nomaintainer
10 10 description Compiler for the GObject type system
11 11 long_description Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming \
12 12 language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional \
13 13 runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to \
14 14 applications and libraries written in C.
15 15
16 16 platforms darwin
17 17 license LGPL-2.1+
18 18
19 19 homepage
20 20 master_sites gnome:sources/${name}/${branch}/
21 21
22 22 use_xz yes
23 23
24 -checksums rmd160 edd9e432ba5a0b303359abb798dd7eb2d6024c18 \
25 - sha256 d27c9d11302ce6e521d616c89ea509f887de449fa4728d004e51d8f9646a775e
24 +checksums rmd160 2dac9958b6f511fd1636e469ec5ad66722e370a8 \
25 + sha256 863dbfb399d59289dfc34379c0cd34d94e505a49787497550588810310cdf689
26 26
27 27 depends_build port:pkgconfig \
28 28 port:bison \
29 29 port:flex \
30 30 port:libxslt
31 31
32 32 depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2
33 33
34 34 configure.args --disable-silent-rules
35 35
36 36 livecheck.type gnome

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