
Marius Schamschula authored c412b18c7f5
mailman: update to version 2.1.25
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4
5 5 name mailman
6 -version 2.1.24
6 +version 2.1.25
7 7 categories mail
8 8 platforms darwin
9 9 license GPL-2
10 10 maintainers {mps @Schamschula} openmaintainer
11 11
12 12 description Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager
13 13 long_description Mailman is free software for managing electronic \
14 14 mail discussion and e-newsletter lists. Mailman is \
15 15 integrated with the web, making it easy for users \
16 16 to manage their accounts and for list owners to \
17 17 administer their lists. Mailman supports built-in \
18 18 archiving, automatic bounce processing, content \
19 19 filtering, digest delivery, spam filters, and more.
20 20 homepage
21 21
22 22 depends_lib port:python27 \
23 23 port:py27-dnspython
24 24
25 25 master_sites gnu
26 26 extract.suffix .tgz
27 -checksums rmd160 121704d19825f7768a3cb67aeafe64f7d17baa8c \
28 - sha256 e723cbc9093f1e3e83aae09004fe8cc4f5e09112eccb157b215bad2aaf92dae4
27 +checksums rmd160 c65a218d3eb995a14612a2da395426c100f96a33 \
28 + sha256 83a6dcbdc5356648db0ad03a0d55d4786071c04d4d6e69d5e95e1815975e0169
29 29
30 30 # Create a startupitem
31 31 startupitem.create yes
32 32 startupitem.start "${prefix}/share/mailman/bin/mailman.init start"
33 33 startupitem.stop "${prefix}/share/mailman/bin/mailman.init stop"
34 34
35 35 # Mailman installation directories
36 36 set execdir ${prefix}/libexec/${name}
37 37 set sharedir ${prefix}/share/${name}
38 38 set datadir ${prefix}/var/${name}

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