
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez authored cd1bbcde7ca
py27-pyilmbase: accommodate rename of boost library

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77 77
78 78 # Bitrotted ucontext usage is buggy, don't bother with it.
79 79 patchfiles-append patch-configure.diff
80 80 }
81 81
82 82 set python_versions {27 34 35 36 37}
83 83
84 84 foreach pver ${python_versions} {
85 85 subport py${pver}-pyilmbase {
86 86 PortGroup active_variants 1.1
87 - revision 2
87 + revision 3
88 88 distname pyilmbase-${version}
89 89 checksums rmd160 127329978f2fd5793a267d1c7c46d5514d1d46b7 \
90 90 sha256 9c898bb16e7bc916c82bebdf32c343c0f2878fc3eacbafa49937e78f2079a425 \
91 91 size 524975
92 92
93 93 # so long as boost can only be installed with one version of python at a time,
94 94 # conflict with all other pyilmbase ports
95 95 foreach over ${python_versions} {
96 96 if {${over} ne ${pver}} {
97 97 conflicts-append py${over}-pyilmbase
98 98 }
99 99 }
100 100
101 - if {${pver} >= 30} {
102 - configure.args-append \
103 - --with-boost-python-libname=boost_python${pver}-mt
104 - } else {
105 - configure.args-append \
106 - --with-boost-python-libname=boost_python-mt
107 - }
101 + configure.args-append \
102 + --with-boost-python-libname=boost_python${pver}-mt
108 103
109 104 set pbranch [string range ${pver} 0 end-1].[string index ${pver} end]
110 105 configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python${pbranch}
111 106
112 107 depends_lib-append \
113 108 port:zlib \
114 109 port:ilmbase \
115 110 port:python${pver} \
116 111 port:boost \
117 112 port:py${pver}-numpy

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