
David B. Evans authored d4bd467ec85
libphonenumber-cpp: update to version 8.10.22
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup cmake 1.1
5 5 PortGroup github 1.0
6 6
7 -github.setup googlei18n libphonenumber 8.10.21 v
7 +github.setup googlei18n libphonenumber 8.10.22 v
8 8 name libphonenumber-cpp
9 9 license Apache-2
10 10 description Google's C++ library for parsing, formatting, storing \
11 11 and validating international phone numbers.
12 12 long_description ${description}
13 13 maintainers {devans @dbevans} openmaintainer
14 14 categories devel
15 15 platforms darwin
16 16
17 17 set main_distfile ${distfiles}
21 21 set gtest_srcdir ${workpath}/googletest-release-${gtest_version}/googletest
22 22 set gtest_master
23 23
24 24 distfiles ${main_distfile}:main \
25 25 ${gtest_distfile}:gtest
26 26
27 27 master_sites ${github.master_sites}:main \
28 28 ${gtest_master}:gtest
29 29
30 30 checksums ${main_distfile} \
31 - rmd160 e1ddad3390492280d93ddb5dd90c65feb2298948 \
32 - sha256 1c55721e293dab5d88618df2db74db83022e93d7484e165f2f207c6c03be8e4e \
33 - size 7417137 \
31 + rmd160 89eed8098da13026e3e9d9924be3b26c9cc1a51f \
32 + sha256 b1ccab70af0fee6236160c87d945438d7d2eea58badd1a0bd1f0d375e8652376 \
33 + size 7416743 \
34 34 ${gtest_distfile} \
35 35 rmd160 ad357c51fa7a1f4f6be069cc1ceae2c722fc28a2 \
36 36 sha256 9bf1fe5182a604b4135edc1a425ae356c9ad15e9b23f9f12a02e80184c3a249c \
37 37 size 992298
38 38
39 -worksrcdir google-libphonenumber-a8e2d7f/cpp
39 +worksrcdir google-libphonenumber-7f5fbf8/cpp
40 40
41 41 patchfiles patch-cpp-CMakeLists.txt.diff
42 42
43 43 depends_build-append \
44 44 port:pkgconfig
45 45
46 46 depends_lib-append port:boost \
47 47 port:icu \
48 48 port:protobuf3-cpp
49 49

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