
Graeme Lawes authored and Perry E. Metzger committed d54e950be6a
Merge pull request #4687 from gclawes/teleport-4.0.1

teleport: update to v4.0.1
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1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4 PortGroup github 1.0
5 5
6 -github.setup gravitational teleport 4.0.0 v
6 +github.setup gravitational teleport 4.0.1 v
7 7
8 8 homepage
9 9 categories net
10 10 maintainers { @gclawes } openmaintainer
11 11 description Teleport SSH server and Certificate Authority
12 12 long_description Teleport is a modern SSH server and CA for managing clusters \
13 13 that provides secure login with certificate-based access, \
14 14 2-factor authentication, session logging and replay, \
15 15 integration with Google Apps and other OAuth identity providers, \
16 16 and a Web UI. Built on the Golang SSH library, and compatible with OpenSSH
17 17 license Apache-2
18 18
19 -checksums rmd160 9637131b4980c08831e92368212fd9ac660f80ad \
20 - sha256 1f91f869f6c00ffb4e52d44e12aa5a5f5b11a0122bda634ce6fea82dbf268c26 \
21 - size 34914956
19 +checksums rmd160 c3a256ad779b7afc7bd3464d2778121149c00277 \
20 + sha256 8d110936a8501e6c7e5a8d66d0b895ee191a6bca70e626dfd7626ec10f472855 \
21 + size 34915584
22 22
23 23 depends_lib port:go port:zip
24 24 platforms darwin
25 25 use_configure no
26 26 worksrcdir src/${}/${github.project}
27 27
28 28 build.env-append GOPATH=${workpath}
29 29 full
30 30 use_parallel_build no
31 31

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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