
Toby Peterson authored d6ceca505da
mawk: update to 1.3.4-20200106
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1 1 PortSystem 1.0
2 2
3 3 name mawk
4 -version 1.3.4-20191231
4 +version 1.3.4-20200106
5 5 categories lang
6 6
7 7 description mawk is an interpreter for the AWK Programming Language
8 8 long_description \
9 9 mawk is an interpreter for the AWK Programming Language. \
10 10 The AWK language is useful for manipulation of data files, \
11 11 text retrieval and processing, and for prototyping and \
12 12 experimenting with algorithms.
13 13 homepage
14 14
15 15 platforms darwin
16 16 license GPL-2
17 17 maintainers {toby @tobypeterson}
18 18
19 19 master_sites${name}/ \
20 20${name}/
21 21 extract.suffix .tgz
22 -checksums rmd160 9ee37d4a7edab05b912f04902afe695ce13b2b74 \
23 - sha256 4c118ce8d5c6b1286e1e0bdfe07bb4a30936319aef55627dcf30b027489e7166 \
24 - size 467990
22 +checksums rmd160 db09dd306fc4be91e0c5048575a74175abfa8933 \
23 + sha256 f1e1240ba7626ffe920a8bd2d596864dde9f3fa7411db0165142041628b015b6 \
24 + size 468031
25 25
26 26 configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
27 27
28 28 # Ticket #55204: Remove when buildbots no longer using Xcode 8
29 29 configure.cflags-append -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
30 30
31 31 livecheck.url [lindex ${master_sites} 0]
32 32 livecheck.regex mawk-(.*)\\.tgz

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